Caste System in Pakistan
Caste endogamy is found in Pakistan with members of a Quom tending to marry within the Quom. Caste is divided to be 4 classes from the highest to the lowest. Pakistan S Caste System Is Scarier Than India S Kammis include artisan laborer and service providing Quoms such as barbers cobblers and carpenters. . The caste system in South Asia has a long history and various forms. The culture of Pakistan is a blend of many cultures ie Dravidians Aryans Arabs Greeks Mongols Turks and the British although the Aryans are the most dominant. Pakistans caste system. Caste system in Subcontinent is generally affiliated with Hinduism. The Judicial System of Pakistan 2 At the village level tribunals dispensed justice which consisted of the assembly of the village or the caste or the family1 The village Headman acted as. Although Pakistan has so many Muslims but Caste is still matter in Pakistan. Different castes in Pakist...